Sunday, April 5, 2009

Filming Mama.

After some discussion, Mama agreed to let us film, but not that day. Instead, she wanted to start off filming at a punk show. The idea was great, but the results were less than stellar. Seeing a 70 year old women rocking out at a punk club is interesting enough, but the sound was of course dreadful and this being a show, it was really dark, so the results weren't very good. This of course is nobody's fault. It just happened to be that way, and there's nothing I could do. If I had prepared before, I might have been able to get a light, but that would have been awkward at the show, so really there was no way to prevent it. Afterward I tried to shoot Mama back at the restaurant, but she was really busy and that didn't turn out so well either.
Despite this, I did get her to wear a microphone while she walked around. She was obviously not uncomfortable on camera.

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